Black Stikfas are cool, but anyways you won't have long waiting
times for the DVD, VHS Reviews anymore because I totally redid the layout. The Gundam pics still take a while though but I'll
fix that soon...
Anime Dictionary
Welcome to Anime City 3. We have hundreds of pictures
and biographies for Dragon Ball/DBZ/DBGT, Gundam 0079, 0080, 0083, 8th MS Team, G, Wing, Z; Yu Yu Hakusho, Yu-Gi-Oh, Tenchi
Muyo, Inuyasha, Martian Successor Nadesico, Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop, and more. We also have movie reviews, merchandise
pictures, and links to other pages. If you want to comment on this site, e-mail me at redcometleo@yahoo.ca
--------------------------------------------- "There
is no bright future for soldiers scurring for their reward.." -Zechs Marquise
[June 15, 2005]
I just got an email about free webhosting for this site, so I started to edit it again, although I'm sure that the email
wasn't legit cause this site sucks heh. But I guess I'll try to make it better. *Goes to watch Batman*